JESUS SAID: “I pray not that thou should take them out of the world, but that thou should keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.

And for their sakes ..."

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Christianity Today Magazine

Friday, April 5, 2013


I ORIGINALLY had a website devoted to  "MY CRC" on posterous which was bought out by Twitter and which, without warning or cause, deleted many of my various websites despite alleging that they would continue to maintain all websites as-is after the buyout. Shame on posterous/twitter (and now they are closing down altogether at the end of April 2013). Whatever I had on the posterous site is forever lost unless I posted by email, which, unfortunately, I did not do much of, apart from what you see below. Thus, I am attempting to start-up again, all previous time & labor is lost and must be duplicated, thanks to Twitter/posterous and maybe others.

The Christian Reformed Church (CRC or CRCNA) in North America is a small originally Dutch and Dutch-American denomination, now multi-ethnic but still largely of Dutch ancestory. I grew up in the CRC. My dad was/is an ordained CRC pastor. My late grandfather was also an ordained CRC pastor.

There's an upcoming CRC gathering in southern California in April 2013 which I may attend. I will post periodically here re "my CRC" (& yours too if you are part of the "family" of believers). Some of the CRC's more "near and dear" to my heart include 1st CRC in Grand Rapids (MI) (GR is the corporate headquarters for the CRC) where our family attended thru the 70's and mid-80's when I was in elementary, middle, & most of high school.

Also Bethany CRC in Bellflower, CA is where our family attended when we first moved to Bellflower from GR in 1984 and where my grandfather attended after he retired.

Other CRC's I attended or visited periodically from time-to-time include Sherman Street CRC in Grand Rapids, also the CRC led by Pastor Jack Roeda in GR (can't think of its name at the moment) which started out at Seymour Christian Elementary school gym and later moved to a location near Calvin College.I've also attended a few of the other CRC's in Bellflower...and the list goes on...

In the early 90's I did disaster relief in Costa Rica after an earthquake there with the CRWRC (Christian Reformed World Relief Commission) and one year later did a summer mission in the Philippines with the CRWM (Christian Reformed World Missions).

I also attended Calvin Seminary (the seminary that serves the Christian Reformed Church) for a year (plus) and later transferred to Fuller Seminary. I LOVE MY CRC....always have & always will. May they...may we...continue to serve the Lord faithfully in Spirit & in Truth !


“ [You were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,] who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession -- to the praise of his glory.“Ephesians 1:14 "[Sinä merkitty hänelle tiiviste, luvattu Pyhä Henki,] joka on talletus takaa meidän perintömme kunnes lunastus, jotka ovat Jumalan hallussa - ja hänen kirkkautensa kiitokseksi. "Ef 1:14                                                             



…Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, …”

" If u declare with your mouth,
“Jesus is Lord,” &
 believe in your  
that God
 raised Him
 from the dead, 
u will be saved." 
                                            Romans 10.9

GREETINGS ! I INVITE U2 accept JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD & SAVIOR TODAY, RIGHT NOW, OR ANYTIME, & BE SAVED ! Don't wait until it is TOO LATE. Don't Hesitate. The consequences are TOO GREAT.! Humble yourself. You CANNOT do it alone. None of us can. Guaranteed 100% FAILURE RATE for those who try to GO IT ALONE. Kneel down now and say to Jesus, "Sorry & Thank you, I surrender to YOU, LORD, & Commit my LIFE 2 U, now & forever"