WHEN i volunteered to do disaster relief after the earthquake in costa rica in 1991 I was greeted by Tom Post and family at the airport in San Jose, and they took me in and gave me room & board for a few weeks as i helped do "needs assessment" with the CRWRC team. Tom was the director of the central american CRWM at the time (now called world renew) (sorry if I mix up crwrc and crwm and world renew..it's getting more and more complicated all the time in my mind). Anyways, in 1991 i was 24 years old at the time. Without reciting the entire story, this is more of a message I hope will find its way to Tom Post and family. I want to apologize for my behavior. Although I thought I was a "Christian" at the time (because I grew up in the CRC , and attended a Christian college, and went to church, etc) I was NOT a full Christian, even if I did believe in Jesus Christ. I was still only partial Christian, and still being pushed & pulled by secular society, maybe even demons. Although I was still a "decent person" by most accounts and not doing anything "criminal" per se, I was still NOT a good person , and had much room to grow as a "CHristian". Today, age 48, in 2015 I am more of a mature Christian, but still want to confess my sins to Tom Post and family and ask for their forgiveness for any and all sins. You were nice and hospitable to me and I could have been, should have been a better guest. Later, i saw you briefly in Belize and once again you were hospitable to me, allowing me to stay for a night at your house. Thanks again. I hope all is well. I hope we can be reconciled and talk as mature Christian adults...all of us forgiven sinners. God bless you.
for more about TOM POST, SEE
" If u declare with your mouth,
"Jesus is Lord," & believe in your heart
that God raised Him from the dead,
u will be saved."
Romans 10.9