10/4/13 SHOULD CALVIN SEMINARY ACCEPT GRANT $ FROM "LILLY ENDOWMENT" ( a few years ago I noticed fuller seminary accepted grant $ from the Lilly Endowment, & had concerns then, & now calvin seminary is doing likewise. My concern is that because the Lilly Endowment is indirectly connected to the Eli Lilly Pharmaceutical giant, there may be some subtle pressure to "speak well" of Eli Lilly & the use of medication in general rather than the pure gospel. Don't get me wrong. I think the proper use of medication is fine, but am concerned when society puts pills on the highest pedestal & potential solution to almost all problems. Certainly, some preachers will think twice about criticizing pharmaceuticals when they realize that their class at seminary was paid for by a pharmaceutical company. So I ask, IS THERE A HIDDEN AGENDA by LILLY? search:center for excellence in preaching,
"...Lilly Endowment has awarded Calvin
Theological Seminary a $500,000, three-
year grant to help improve the preaching
skills of seminary students as well as of
preachers who are already working at
The grant to the seminary, via its Center
for Excellence in Preaching, is part of Lilly's
initiative to improve the quality of
preaching and preaching education in North
"I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you... that Christ died
for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according Scriptures."1 Corinthians 15:1-4,posted by vk
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