6/18/14 REFORMED (RCA) & CHR REFORMED CHURCH (CRC) MAKE HISTORY @ JOINT SYNOD (this is nice....I remember growing up in the CRC...& we definitely were instilled to have a self-identity as CRC,which was definitely not RCA,...albeit my dad & grandpa,both CRC pastors,never accentuated the differences much at all. It was just something you learned at church & a bit at the Christian schools & Calvin. I notice Scott Greenway mentioned in a few articles about synod .Apparently he's the son of the former seminary professor,Roger & he's leading synod this year. I know the Greenways have some affiliation with the CRC but still don't know where they originally came from. The name doesn't sound Dutch, & most of the old-timers in CRC history have "funny Dutch names",while those with names such as Greenway would normally be found more often in more Americanized churches,including the RCA, which has strived,historically,a bit more to be "American" than the CRC. I'm just wondering if we are at the point where those of us with "funny Dutch names" are going to be marginalized in the CRC, our last place for solace in an America that still discriminates against those with "funny ethnic names",even those of us who are "white". search:christian reformed,reformed church of America, ;*read more at
"The Reformed Church in America (RCA ) and the Christian Reformed Church (CRC ) made history last weekend , when the synods of both denominations held a joint session and adopted a resolution to work more closely together . It is the first time that has happened since the CRC seceded from the RCA in 1857..."
"...He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to Him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" "Who are you, Lord?" Saul asked. "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting," He replied..."Acts 9:4-5
,posted by vk
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