6/19/14 CRC CELEBRATES 1st AFRICAN-AMERICAN (& female) PRESIDENT of BOARD of TRUSTEES, (its nice to have a diversity of skin colors & ethnicities on the board,but is the church supposed to "evolve" like the world? What's next? The first homosexual on the board? The first transgender? The CRC started as a Dutch-American denomination,not as a "white" denomination. It was for persons with "funny Dutch names" who still get marginalized in the working world today (except,perhaps,around Grand Rapids & other largely Dutch-American communities). And as much as the CRC claims to be a worldwide congregation,or at least largely northAmerican,it still seems to be a "regional" denomination,midwest in style & tone. I grew up in GR but after my family moved to California,some in the "midwest CRC" marginalized me as "from California" (along with the out-dated stale California jokes). If CRC really wants to be respected as a national congregation or larger,it needs parts of the denomination headquarters to be located on both coasts as well. Otherwise it will retain its "midwest bias" forever,at the expense of a lot of good people.search:, sheila holmes,crc,christian reformed church,board of trustees,crcna,;*read more at
"..For Rev. Sheila Holmes, it has been a long journey from
first arriving in a Christian Reformed Church chapel at
age 11 to becoming the first woman and first African-
American to be president of the CRC's Board of Trustees.
In an address to Synod 2014, Holmes exhorted delegates
to continue the church's journey toward becoming a
more diverse and active body of Christ..."
"But we know where this man is from; when the Christ comes, no one will know where He is from." John 7:27,posted by vk
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