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glocal 2014 , and a prayer for gary bekker...since I was unable to see the gary bekker presentation...and he is one of our CRC brothers...maybe he will see this and be warmed by it...just want to say HELLO gary from those of us here in southern california from the CRC ...myself being from the bellflower of the family members of one of the founders of valley Christian schools..and who was a pastor at 1st Bell back in the 1930's...we go way back here in southern cal...and are holding down the fort...; i think all of us would have loved to see you in time let us know you are coming..this conference was not very well publicized and the website was not working well either..and it was very expensive to attend...seemed like it was a conference made for the presenters themselves to share their thoughts to eachother rather than for the average parishioner or even the local pastors who have budgets as well..; anyways, please don't become too exclusive and think of us as cows just sitting here doing nothing...that's not true gary..we are at least I am..doing my best as an evangelist to keep bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to the world..; and so we pray for you gary..we ask Jesus Christ to continue to empower you and lift you up with the Holy Spirit and be filled with the Fruits of the Spirit! Don't give up on us gary! Write a letter sometime to all of us! We want to hear from the grand rapids administrators ! God bless you gary.
glocal 2014 , and a prayer for gary bekker...since I was unable to see the gary bekker presentation...and he is one of our CRC brothers...maybe he will see this and be warmed by it...just want to say HELLO gary from those of us here in southern california from the CRC ...myself being from the bellflower of the family members of one of the founders of valley Christian schools..and who was a pastor at 1st Bell back in the 1930's...we go way back here in southern cal...and are holding down the fort...; i think all of us would have loved to see you in time let us know you are coming..this conference was not very well publicized and the website was not working well either..and it was very expensive to attend...seemed like it was a conference made for the presenters themselves to share their thoughts to eachother rather than for the average parishioner or even the local pastors who have budgets as well..; anyways, please don't become too exclusive and think of us as cows just sitting here doing nothing...that's not true gary..we are at least I am..doing my best as an evangelist to keep bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to the world..; and so we pray for you gary..we ask Jesus Christ to continue to empower you and lift you up with the Holy Spirit and be filled with the Fruits of the Spirit! Don't give up on us gary! Write a letter sometime to all of us! We want to hear from the grand rapids administrators ! God bless you gary.