JESUS SAID: “I pray not that thou should take them out of the world, but that thou should keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.

And for their sakes ..."

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Christianity Today Magazine

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

I DIDN'T KNOW THE KID ACROSS THE HALL (in my dorm at Calvin) was a SCIENTIFIC GENIUS : "Four Stanford faculty elected to National Academy of Sciences"

I DIDN'T KNOW THE KID ACROSS THE HALL (in my dorm at Calvin College) was a SCIENTIFIC GENIUS...this kid with a latino name at a mostly Dutch ethnic school (at the time in the 80's) seemed to come out of nowhere...I think he was the only latino in our dorm & the only latino i knew of at Calvin College when I was there ..his roommate steve brinks was the white son of a crc missionary but was also a novelty having growing up mostly outside the USA (mostly argentina i think) ..he spoke with an accent.. and we would occassionally hang out in his dorm room where he drank "mate" (pronounced ma tay ), a type of tea with a special mixing instrument etc (nothing illegal) ... and todd seemed to sleep most of the day when he wasn't at his classes and study all night..he always looked like he just got out of bed..I had not idea where he was from nor really what he was studying although I knew it was something in the science department which I steered as far away from as I could at the time (never liked nor trusted the sciences, although I was a "soft science " major at the time, psychology..much different than chemistry etc. ).. and one time we played a prank on good ol' todd .. but I will tell that story some other time..don't want to embarass him.. now todd martinez (a stanford professor ) is  a member of the prestigious national academy of sciences as of April 2019, ..pretty impressive. I just hope that he tries to integrate some faith elements into whatever he teaches at the chemistry dept. I just HOPE that he didn't just go to calvin because it was a decent private college & disregards the faith element (reminder: all calvin students are required to submit a sincere profession of Christian faith with their application for admission (albeit not required to be Christian Reformed) , so if , ex post facto, they deny their faith, it speaks of their character...and I don't have any reason to question Todd's character) . Congratulations Todd ! :

 "Four Stanford faculty elected to National Academy of Sciences"

"Four Stanford faculty elected to National Academy of Sciences "... Todd Martinez studies physical and theoretical chemistry, bridging the gap between traditional molecular dynamics and quantum chemistry. He has developed interactive simulations to discover heretofore unknown chemical reactions with the goal of making molecular modeling both predictive and routine..."


calvin alumnus (late) john huizenga also a  member of NAS  
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