To whom it may concern: as you know, the CRC is in session this week and they are live streaming with a 20-minute delay on YouTube, and commentary is allowed.
I come from a long line of CRC pastors and much Dutch Christian reform heritage, and so I'm on YouTube watching and praying and commenting. And my comments are appropriate and on task to the topic being discussed.
And yet I have found out that there are what I call "YouTube assassins" with a political agenda, false flagging commentary they don't like, and getting the YouTube moderator (somebody who regulates the CRC YouTube channel for synod) to shut down my commentary, and others. And it seemed like it was mostly they were shutting down conservative commentary.
So I'm just wondering who is this CRC YouTube channel moderator, and are they being unduly influenced by false flaggers who are trying to affect the agenda of the CRC according to their personal political persuasions.
Earlier in the day as I was interacting with other commentators, one YouTube person admitted to me that he's not a Christian, nor interested in the CRC, but is there to attack the CRC doctrines and confessions.
These are the types of people that are false flagging my commentary and others like me and persuading the YouTube channel moderator to block us from commenting (& praying online).
I hope the moderator him or herself is not such a person but that they're being unduly influenced by the false flaggers. Could somebody please look into this and make sure that the moderator is not somebody with a personal political agenda ?
And give them a heads up that there are those who are trying to sabotage the commentary for their own personal agenda, mostly towards the left.